Wednesday, July 15, 2009


today woke up feeling feverish so took my temperature omg 37.8 so cont to sleep never go school

then woke up later took 2 panado go eat and then back to sleep.. now going to study haha

back to cosfest
A mini story on kazuma day at cosfest with a neko

After skating a while got
tired so rested...
but then neko saw
kazuma's shoes
and wanna play with it

so kazuma took the shoes
and run!
while the neko keep
chasing after it

While chasing after kazu
the neko scares the
passing by...

Kazu got trip and fall over
and drop the shoes

Then Neko's Master took kazu's
shoes and played with neko

Leaving Kazuma being step by others for causing so much trouble

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