Friday, December 11, 2009


OK finally attachment is over should be able to update my blog more often le i know it's kinda dead already but hope can revive it haha...

haix missed a lot of things during attachment like SNFC ,NFS , weekend work and hanging out with friends and things like that

BUT now is over so i think should have more time le weeee..... to skate also...

next on the list will be CCNA next week mon - fri needa chong ahhhh.. donno when exam yet... but hope can make it ba..

then will be skate club the beach fista thingy..

anywayz is the today last day of work... i have had my log book graded should be able to get an A for this module and should be able to go POLY after this but again must see how the school grade me ba... haha

thats all for now just to update that my attachment is over

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