Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tired out at GCA (screw up too)

man i screwed up at the stage... stage fright caught me i guess the opening i think i did great but then talking part i screwed up T.T speak uber soft...and didn't even know if i answer the question correctly :( 

 i guess facing a lot of ppl and talk is hard to slalom which "show off" ur skills in cones slaloming... 

hope will be a better next time.. 

anyway lets forget the sad thing and go on..

today got a chance to try photoshoot..thanks to meditocrocy...who did agito.. first time man it's uber fun.. and loves the picture too bad it's not with me until the photographer process it.. i guess :D sorry photographer and medi friend i didn't catch their name... (bad memory at work)

and thanks dennis , nick , dawson , Shanli, Goku, Anna , Iris , justin (if i'm not wrong...)  for coming down from east coast after their skate session at east coast park.. to support me... :D

on my skate almost whole day... and slalom a bit with coke bottle.... and coke zero sucks made my stomach pain... thats why i ate so little... waste food and money T.T 

 then i think thats all for today ba when i have the photo then will upload ba  so stay tune :D

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